On Day 5, I learned How to Talk to Girls at Parties

We were all particularly excited about today. It was on the schedule that Brittany Snow was going to be at the AmPav to do a ribbon cutting ceremony to "open it," but it had already been open this whole time so that was confusing. We show up to the AmPav about 30 min before she was to arrive, but honestly there were not that many people there anyway (only us millennials rly care). So it was just us and the press and we were front row! We wanted to go up to her after and meet her but she kinda swerved outta there really fast. 
After enjoying our iced coffee there, we went to go beg for tickets to the premiere of How To Talk to Girls at Parties. We were invited to the after party, so of course we had to try for the premiere tix! A nice man handed me a ticket within 10 minutes of standing there (this is very unlikely so I got lucky). I tried a little longer for more tickets for the others and ended up getting one more. That was that: we were all headed to the premiere! We went back to JLP to get ready and then went to the premiere at 4. May or may not have fallen asleep during some parts of the film (not because it was bad, but because I'm sleep deprived). During the ending credits, we went to go peek over the balcony and saw the entire cast again getting a standing ovation! (Including Nicole Kidman and Elle Fanning) Incredible. 
We then headed to the Hyatt to get drinks before we went back to go get ready for the after party. This place is insane. We walk up and there are probably hundreds of people/paparazzi behind a barricade that were just waiting for celebs to walk out of this hotel. With our market badges; however, we just walked straight through the crowd of fans into this celebrity home base. Boujee. Got some drinks and while Kate and I went to the bathroom we walked out and JULIANNE MORE walks right past us --it was funny I grabbed Kate's arm so hard when it happened that I left nail marks. Also later we realized Iva langoria was sitting at the table next to us. ((SEE EXPERIENTIAL PAPER FOR FULL STORY))

We returned home to get ready for the after party. The peak of our festival experience was about to happen. We run around, all uncertain as what to wear to this A list event. Finishing off our bottle of wine at the train station, we head back to Cannes. ((Read Kelly’s experiential paper for this whole story)) THIS IS IT. We approach the bouncer to enter this beach club, and read off our names one by one. As they welcome us in, we practically sprint down the stairs towards the lights and music. The décor consisted of film posters and propo pics of Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, and the rest of the punk cast. A make-your-own Magnum ice cream bar is to our left, and an open bar to our right. Us college kids are in Heaven. We immediately began the dance floor. Yes, I meant ‘began.’ All of the reserved Hollywood peeps surround the room, drinks in hand, pretending not to notice us flooding through them to the dance floor. We casually bump as the DJ plays some “pre” songs. Then. Elle Fanning walks in, half of us surprised because we weren’t sure she would show up! The band plays and that was quite a show. Definitely peak of the festival. After the after party: read Shelby’s experiential paper.


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